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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter weekend

What a great week. Taught some wonderful teens Now Behold the Lamb, Let the Veil Down, Who Am I (black light version), Shake the Foundation With Praise. Had a friend learn the reader's theater, The Thorns Have a Rose and I did Someday, Came Today. What's nice is all of these pieces can be done anytime.

We'd love to hear how some of your Easter weekends went for you. Please email us anytime at to communicate comments or if you have any questions.

Next up St. Louis national music conference.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Getting ready for Easter in Lafayette, Louisiana

Well, still dealing with vertigo, but 85% back to normal.

Anyway, I just spent 5 days in Lafayette, LA with about 20 youth...getting them ready for their Easter Sunday morning. Taught them Now Behold the Lamb, Let the Veil Down, Shake the Foundation, Light Your World, For Every Mountain. Also, coached two actors for the monologues, "Six", and "Someday, Came Today". Rehearsals went really well and they are going to have an exciting Sunday morning without turning their church platform into Jerusalem and losing the usage of the platform for two months. There isn't anything wrong with the full length plays for Easter, but sometimes it's nice to have a break and yet still have a very rewarding drama presentation that the audience is going to love.

Now, I'm back home in Omaha and getting our drama team ready for Easter.

If you still need a monologue for Easter...visit our site at

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ukrainian Video

Had the opportunity to help on a video documenting an effort to help kids on the streets of the cities in Ukrain. It's was so sad to see the faces of children abandoned by parents. Some of the kids were as young as four years old on up.
There is a group out of Canada that is making strides to house and feed kids that are ready to come off of the streets and turn their lives around. They have a house for girls and a family type orphange for both girls and boys. I'd love to go and do some street drama in Kiev and other cities there.
My involvement in this video was one of creative input, like using the right music and when to use music and when not to...sound levels,etc. It's a video that will be used to raise money for the further ministry to this nation.